IV Therapy Explained


Integrative Medicine is a cutting-edge treatment that delivers fluids, vitamins, minerals and medication directly into the bloodstream for quick results and powerful preventative health benefits. It’s also an effective solution for individuals with specific health conditions that can’t be treated effectively with oral supplements or medications.

A medical professional will assess your health history to ensure that you’re a good candidate for IV Therapy. Next, they’ll sanitize a section of your arm where they’ll insert a needle into a vein. Once the site is inserted, the medical professional will connect the tube to the IV bag and begin the infusion process.

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During the infusion, the medical professional will regularly check the site to ensure that everything is going smoothly. If they see any pain or swelling at the insertion site, they’ll apply pressure to slow down any bleeding and may dress the area with a clean cotton ball and adhesive tape.

Once the IV infusion is complete, the medical professional will disconnect the cannula and remove it from your arm. They’ll then apply pressure to the insertion site for a moment to stop any bleeding before covering it with a clean bandage.

In addition to the water-based solution that hydrates your body, most IV packages contain dextrose, a type of sugar that can be converted to energy by your body. They may also include amino acids like L-arginine and L-Citrulline, as well as Alpha Lipoic Acid. These compounds provide antioxidant protection against free radicals that promote aging and can cause serious illnesses, including cancer.